We hear about cheating in Hollywood all the time. Most recently Kristen Stewart cheated on her 3-year guy, Robert Pattinson, so the relationship topic this week is whether or not you can forgive a cheater.
Though I've been lucky enough not to have been cheated on, I know way too many girls who have been cheated on. For me, cheating is totally unacceptable and it's a dating dealbreaker. Here's why:
- It shows his character flaws - if you're the type of person who can cheat on me and hurt me in that way, you don't respect me. But fortunately for me, I would have enough self-respect to do myself a favour and leave him.
- Trust issues - I tend to overthink things, I analyze and overanalyze. If a guy cheated on me, I wouldn't be able to trust him anymore, everytime he goes out with his buddies, I'd be wondering which girl is under his arm. Trust is a very valuable quality that is commonly overlooked in a relationship. Once it's broken, it's really hard to get back and for me, I think I'd always have that bit of doubt.
- You deserve better - whatever his reasons or excuses are, the fact is that he cheated. He lied to you and put you through all this pain. There are good guys out there but if you keep staying with a guy who keeps lying to you, you'll never find those good guys. The least you should get from a relationship is honesty.
Like I said before, I have no experience in this whole cheating business but I've seen so many girlfriends go through the pain.
Have any of you been cheated on? How did you handle it? Or how do you wish you handled it?
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