Sorry I've been AWOL lately, I've been working on my final paper for one of my classes. 5000 words is a lot of papers... who knew? Now I've only got the editing to do and then I'm done with that course (thank goodness). I've also been at work a lot, how do people have a social life when they work full time?
Admist all my madness, I have spent quite a bit of time shopping. Here in Canada I felt the black friday deals weren't that great and today with the cyber monday deals, I'm not too impressed. I find that it's harder to find deals when you know everyone else is shopping too. I love going to malls that very few people frequent because that's where everything is marked down and all of the good sizes are left. Shopping is a science. You have to consider the demographics of the area and that tells you if they're more likely to carry your size. If the demographic is completely opposite to you (eg. most of the people in the area is large and you're small, then that's a mall that you want to go to). So there you go, now you know my secret, tell all your friends.
top} $9 Winners
skinny jeans} $2.50 Stitches
heels} $3 Walmart
white purse} gift from my sister from a trip to paris